Prof Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos
Prof Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos is the founder of Britain in Europe. He holds the Inaugural Chair in Law at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is an Associate Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dimitrios has published extensively on domestic and European human rights perspectives on suspects' rights, criminal evidence, and criminal procedure. He provides commentary on current legal and political affairs in relation to the UK, France and Greece, and has, in recent years, taken a strong interest in the impact of Brexit on human rights. He has recently appeared before the European Parliament and the House of Lords' EU Justice Sub-Committee to discuss EU citizens' rights after Brexit.
Professor of Law, Goldsmiths, University of London

Prof Merris Amos
Merris Amos is a Professor in Human Rights Law at Queen Mary University of London where she teaches UK human rights law and European human rights law. Her research concerns the protection of human rights at the national and European levels, and the relationship between national and international human rights courts. She has published widely in these areas including her book Human Rights Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2nd ed, 2014) and a number of chapters and articles in leading journals. Her most recent work concerns the value of the European Court of Human Rights to the United Kingdom. She is the founder and editor of the blog The Human Rights Essay which concerns human rights law issues in the UK.
Prof in Human Rights Law, Queen Mary University of London

Prof Ilias Anagnostopoulos
Professor Ilias Anagnostopoulos chairs the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association (July 2013-) and is an Associate professor of criminal law and criminal procedure at the School of Law, National University of Athens. Prof Anagnostopoulos has appeared as lead counsel in some of the most significant criminal law cases in Greece during the past 25 years and was described in the International Who’s Who of Business Crime Defence Lawyers 2012 as ‘the best criminal lawyer in Greece’. He has published extensively in Greek, English and German on matters of Hellenic, European and international criminal law, business and financial crimes and reform of criminal procedure and human rights.
Professor of Criminal Law, Athens Law School

Prof Gordon Anthony
Gordon Anthony is Professor of Public Law in the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast. Educated at Queen’s and the Academy of European Public Law, he has held visiting positions at institutions in Greece, Holland, France, Portugal, and the United States. His main research interests are in the areas of judicial review, public authority liability, and the relationship between UK law and European law. He has published widely in these areas, and his authored books include: Textbook on Administrative Law (Oxford University Press, 8th ed, 2016, with Peter Leyland); Judicial Review in Northern Ireland (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2nd ed, 2014); and UK Public Law and European Law: The Dynamics of Legal Integration (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2002).
Prof of Public Law, Queens University Belfast

Dr Michaela Benson
Dr Michaela Benson is a Reader in Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London and the research lead for a UK in a Changing Europe funded research project, BrExpats: freedom of movement, citizenship and Brexit in the lives of Britons resident in the EU-27. Michaela is internationally renowned for her work in the field of migration, and has conducted in-depth empirical research on British citizens living in France, and North Americans settled in Panama. She has extensively published on what migration means for identity, citizenship and belonging. Since the EU referendum, she has been closely examining what Brexit variously means for British citizens living across the EU-27, communicating through written commentary and the project podcast. She has provided written evidence for the House of Lords EU Justice subcommittee, and co-authored the report Next Steps: implementing a Brexit deal for UK citizens living in the EU27.
Reader in Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London

Jodie Blackstock
Jodie Blackstock is Director of Criminal Justice at JUSTICE and a barrister. Her case interventions have included appeals to the UK Supreme Court in relation to the right of access to a lawyer (2010), the rights of children of extraditees in preventing extradition (2012) and the right to post-conviction disclosure (2014). She undertakes research and regularly contributes to seminars and training programmes on criminal law and human rights legal developments, in the UK, Europe and internationally.
Barrister and Director of Criminal Justice, JUSTICE

Prof Brad Blitz
Brad K. Blitz received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and is Director of the British Academy/DFID Programme, Tackling Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour in Modern Business, and has recently been appointed Professor of International Politics and Policy at University College London Institute of Education and Head of the Department of Education, Practice and Society. A former Jean Monnet Chair he is widely regarded as a leading expert on refugees and stateless persons, migration, human rights and international politics. A comparative political scientist by training, he has worked extensively in the former Yugoslavia and former Soviet Union and acted as an advisor and consultant to UNDP, UNICEF, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the World Bank, OSCE, Council of Europe, DFID, and several NGOs. He has also advised national governments and has appeared as an expert witness on over 20 occasions.
Professor of International Politics and Policy, UCL Institute of Education

Roger Casale
Roger Casale is an award-winning civil rights campaigner and the founder and Secretary General of NEW EUROPEANS. He has led the campaigns in Britain and the EU for the unilateral guarantees of EU 27 citizens’ rights and the rights of Britons in Europe. Prior to setting up New Europeans, he worked as a senior government affairs adviser in the private sector including for the CEOs of companies such as Finmeccanica, Camelot, Telespazio and Evonik in the UK. From 1997 – 2005 he was the Labour MP for Wimbledon, including three years as a Parliamentary Private Secretary in the Foreign Office between 2002 and 2005. He was made a Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana in 2009 for services to British-Italian bi-lateral relations and won a Financial Times Future of Britain Award in 2017 for his article “A Green Card for Europe.” In 2017 he also won the Sheila McKechnie Foundation People’s Choice Award for the #RightToStay campaign. He speaks English, French, Italian and German and lives in Italy and the UK.
Former MP; founder and Secretary General of 'New Europeans'

Prof Andrew Choo
Andrew Choo is Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Evidence at City University and Academic Member at Matrix Chambers. His published work has been influential in various appellate courts, including the UK Supreme court, the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada and the New Zealand Supreme Court.
Professor in Criminal Law & Criminal Evidence, City Law School

Dr John Cotter
Dr John Cotter is a Lecturer in Law at Maastricht University. He holds BCL and LLB degrees from the National University of Ireland (University College Cork), and a PhD from the University of Dublin (Trinity College). His main research interests are in the structure, composition and procedure of the Court of Justice of the EU, and American legal realism (in particular, the theories of Karl Llewellyn).
Lecturer in Law, Maastricht University

Dr Will Davies
Will Davies is a Reader in Political Economy at Goldsmiths, and works on history of economics, neoliberalism and the present crisis of expertise. His first book The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty & the Logic of Competition looked at how regulators and policy-makers in Brussels and Washington DC applied ideals of competition, derived from the University of Chicago law and economics tradition. His most recent book is Nervous States: How feeling took over the world, which looks at the roots of the current populist reaction against technocrats, as manifest in Brexit. His writing has appeared in London Review of Books, The Guardian and The New York Times amongst others.
Reader in Political Economy, Goldsmiths, University of London
Prof Conor Gearty
Prof Conor Gearty is one of the foremost human rights experts in the UK. He was Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights (2002-2009) at the LSE, and is Professor of human rights law in the LSE Law Department. He has published widely on terrorism, civil liberties and human rights. Prof Gearty is also a barrister and was a founder member of Matrix chambers from where he continues to practise. He has been a frequent adviser to judges, practitioners and public authorities on the implications of the UK Human Rights Act, and has frequently lectured at home and abroad on the topic of human rights. Prof Gearty is a Fellow of the British Academy, a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and a Bencher of Middle Temple. His latest book 'On Fantasy Island. Britain, Europe and Human Rights' was published by OUP in September 2016.
Prof of Human Rights Law, LSE

Prof Andrew George
Professor Andrew George was previously Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Projects and Global Engagement) at Brunel University. He was also formerly Professor of Molecular Immunology and Director of the Graduate School and the School of Professional Development at Imperial College. In the 2017 New Year Honours list Andrew was appointed MBE for his services to research participants and the ethical governance of clinical research. Andrew is very committed to the global aspects of Higher Education, both in terms of ensuring that our students are educated to have an international outlook and to ensuring that students from other countries have the opportunity to experience a UK education.
Pro VC, Brunel University London

Mary Honeyball MEP
Mary Honeyball entered the European Parliament in 2000, following three decades of involvement in Labour politics. Since becoming an MEP she has taken a special interest in women’s issues, and acts as the Labour spokesperson for women’s rights and gender equality.
She is currently a full member of the Legal Affairs Committee and a substitute member of the Culture and Education Committee. She has contributed to securing important advances, including measures to tackle child safety online and steps to broaden employment and learning opportunities for Europe’s youth. She has also worked on copyright and cultural issues, advancing the cause of creators and the creative industries.
Member of European Parliament

Prof John Jackson
John Jackson is Professor of Comparative Criminal Law & Procedure at the School of Law at the University of Nottingham. Prof Jackson is the author of numerous books, articles and research reports including The Internationalisation of Criminal Evidence: beyond the Common Law and Civil law traditions (CUP, 2012) (with Sarah Summers), Solicitor Advocates in Scotland: The Impact of Clients (HMSO, 2000) (with G. Hanlon) and Judge without Jury: Diplock Trials within the Adversary System (OUP, 1995) (with Sean Doran).
Professor of Comparative Criminal Law & Procedure, University of Nottingham School of Law

Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly is the Executive Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), Consortium Leader of the JUSTICIA European Rights Network, Founding Co-Chair of the International Network of Civil Liberties Organisations (INCLO), a Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a member of the Board of the Equality Authority and a member in respect of Ireland of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT).
Executive Director, Irish Council for Civil Liberties

Dr Colin King
Dr Colin King is Senior Lecturer in Law and Joint Lead of the Sussex Crime Research Group. He has recently given expert evidence to the Home Affairs select Committee Inquiry into the Proceeds of Crime Act. Colin is a member of the AHRC Peer Review College (2015-), on the editorial board of the Lloyds Law Reports: Financial Crime (2015-), and an Academic Fellow at the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (2014-).
Reader, Sussex Law School, and Associate Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple

Prof Dora Kostakopoulou
Dora Kostakopoulou is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU and Professor of European Union Law, European Integration and Public Policy at the University of Warwick, UK. Formerly, she was Jean Monnet Professor in European Law and European Integration and Co-director of the Institute of Law, Economy and Global Governance at the University of Manchester (2005-2011). She has been British Academy, Thank Offering to Britain Fellow (2003-2004) and recipient of an Innovation Award by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (2004-2005). She is the author of Citizenship, Identity and Immigration in the European Union: Between Past and Future(2001, Manchester University Press), The Future Governance of Citizenshipwhich was published by Cambridge University Press in 2008 (Law in Context Series) and Institutional Constructivism in Social Sciences and Law: Frames of Mind, Patterns of Change (2018, Cambridge University Press). Her articles have appeared in the Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence,Columbia Journal of European Law, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Modern Law Review,
Professor of European Union Law, University of Warwick

John King
John King is a Practising Barrister at 9 Bedford Row London. His practice over the years has been mainly in criminal defence. He has a keen interest in the rights of the Accused. He has recently represented Ismail Abdurahman, who was interviewed by the police as a witness, in a terrorist case, and allowed to incriminate himself following a decision by the police not to caution him. He was then charged with a terrorist offence. John conducted the Crown Court trial, the appeal in the Court of Appeal and finally, successfully, the hearing before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.
Barrister, 9 Bedford Row

Prof Ed Lloyd-Cape
Ed Cape is an internationally known researcher in the field of criminal justice. His recent research projects include two examining effective criminal defence in a range of European countries, and a third on effective criminal defence in Latin America.
Professor in Criminal Justice, Bristol University

Dr Natasa Mavronicola
Dr Natasa Mavronicola is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Birmingham Law School. She holds an LLB (Hons) from University College London, a BCL from the University of Oxford, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She researches and teaches in the areas of, and intersections between, human rights, public law, criminal justice, and legal theory.
Senior Lecturer in Law, Birmingham Law School

Dr Dagmar Myslinska
Dr Dagmar Myslinska is a Lecturer in Law and the lead on immigration projects for the emerging Law and Policy Clinic at Goldsmiths Law, University of London. She has held teaching positions in the US and Japan. Before entering academia, she had a wide-ranging pro bono immigration and commercial litigation practice and had clerked for two federal judges in the US. She has published reference guides for immigration attorneys, volunteered for refugee and immigrant charities, and contributed to various media outlets on migration issues. Dagmar’s published research centres on the intersection of law, migration, and equality. She also provides commentary on how Central and Eastern European movers have featured in the context of Brexit and on Brexit’s effects on UK academia. Her current research project looks at the evolution of EU citizens’ rights during the unique post-referendum, pre-Brexit socio-legal and political regime. Dr Myslinska holds degrees from Yale University (BA), Columbia University School of Law (Juris Doctor), and the London School of Economics (PhD).
Lecturer in Law, Goldsmiths University of London

Rebecca Niblock
Rebecca Niblock is a partner at Kingsley Napley. She specialises in cases involving cross-jurisdictional elements. She has successfully defended a large number of persons requested by other states, both inside and outside the EU in extradition proceedings at all levels from the magistrates’ court to the Supreme Court. She has experience in advising in sanctions cases, and in providing advice to those subject to Interpol red notices and mutual legal assistance requests. She has a detailed knowledge of legal developments both domestically and at the EU level. Rebecca has co-written one of the leading practitioner texts on extradition law (Extradition Law: A Practitioner’s Guide) now in its second edition.

Prof Valsamis Mitsilegas
Valsamis Mitsilegas is Professor of European Criminal Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre and, since 2012, Head of the Department of Law at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Professor Mitsilegas has a leading role in the establishment and development of a number of transnational research networks. He is Co-Coordinator of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) and a member of the Management Board of the International Research Network on Migration and Crime (CINETS).
Professor of European Criminal Law and Head of Department, School of Law at QMU

Sir Geoffrey Nice QC
Sir Geoffrey Nice QC has practiced as a barrister since 1971 and is renowned for leading the prosecution of Slobodan Milošević, former President of Serbia. Much of his work since has been connected to cases before the permanent International Criminal Court or pro bono for victims groups whose cases cannot get to any international court.
Barrister and Gresham College Professor

Prof Julian Petley
Julian Petley is Professor of Screen Media at Brunel University. His work involves making numerous submissions to official enquiries (such as the Leveson Inquiry), giving evidence to parliamentary select committees, liaising with like-minded civil society groups, and maintaining a high media profile.
Professor of Screen Media, Brunel University London

Prof Javaid Rehman
Professor Javaid Rehman is Professor of Islamic Law and International Human Rights at Brunel Law School, and UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran (2018 -). His recent works include International Human Rights Law (Longman, 2010) and Islamic State Practices, International Law and the threat from Terrorism (Hart Publishing, 2005). Profesor Rehman has been involved at various levels of policy making and has acted as an advisor to various governmental and non-governmental organisations on counter-terrorism issues, civil liberties and human rights law.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran

HH Jeremy Roberts QC
HH Jeremy Roberts QC, formerly a Judge at the Central Criminal Court, is a member of the Parole Board and a Master of the Bench at the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.
Member of Parole Board and Master of the Bench, Inner Temple

Prof Paul Roberts
Paul teaches and researches in the fields of criminal justice, evidence, criminology, criminal law and legal theory, with particular emphasis on philosophical, comparative and international perspectives. His main publications include Roberts and Zuckerman, Criminal Evidence (OUP, 2/e 2010), Roberts and Hunter (eds), Criminal Evidence and Human Rights (Hart, 2012), Aitken, Roberts and Jackson, Fundamentals of Probability and Statistical Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (Royal Statistical Society, 2010), Roberts and Redmayne (eds), Innovations in Evidence and Proof (Hart, 2007). Paul has served as a consultant to the Crown Prosecution Service and to the Law Commissions of England and Wales and Scotland, and is currently an advisor to the Forensic Regulator, and a member of the Royal Statistical Society's Working Group on Statistics and the Law.
Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence, University of Nottingham School of Law

Prof Will Self
Will Self is the acclaimed author of nine novels, six collections of short stories, three novellas and six non-fiction works; he is a prolific journalist and a frequent broadcaster. His fiction has won various awards – as has his journalism. His fiction has been translated into over 22 languages, and he contributes to publications in Europe and the US as well as the UK.
Professor of Contemporary Thought, Brunel University London

Prof Iyiola Solanke
Iyiola Solanke is Professor of EU Law and Social Justice at the University of Leeds, and previously a Jean Monnet Fellow at the University of Michigan and a Visiting Professor at the Wake Forest University Law School. Dr Solanke's research interests fall in the fields of EU integration and racial integration. She writes on intersectionality, anti-discrimination law, social movements, the judiciary in Europe and EU governance.
Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Leeds, and Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple

Alex Tinsley
Alex Tinsley is a barrister and formerly (until April 2016) head of the EU Office at Fair Trials International. Before joining Fair Trials, as a Sir Peter Bristow Scholar, Alex spent six months at the Legal Service of the European Commission and assisted Advocate-General Sharpston QC at the Court of Justice of the EU, where he was more recently employed as a legal translator. Alex has also represented foreign nationals in immigration detention.
Julie Ward MEP
Julie Ward is a former Labour MEP for the North West of England. She is also a writer, theatre-maker and cultural activist who began her working life on the factory floor before becoming a community arts worker.
Julie has been a member of the European Parliament’s committees on Culture and Education, Women's Rights and Gender Equality and Regional Development. Julie is also a children's rights champion; she co-founded the cross-party Intergroup on Children's Rights and sat on the Labour Party’s Children and Education Policy Commission. She is a board member of the European Internet Forum, and a founding member of the European Caucus of Women in Parliament.
Former Member of European Parliament

Josie Welland
Josie Welland is a criminal defence practitioner specialising in all matters relating to financial crimes. Her practice often attracts an international perspective with her experience encompassing multi-jurisdictional frauds, large- scale drug offences, and confiscation. Josie also has a variety of experience dealing with the police, both as a trainee Police Station Representative, and in restraint orders and cash detention matters.
Criminal defence practitioner, Lloyds PR Solicitors

Dr Ruvi Ziegler
Dr Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler is an Associate Professor at the University of Reading School of Law, specialising in human rights, international humanitarian law and international refugee law. He is Editor-in-Chief, Working Paper Series, Refugee Law Initiative (Institute for AdvancedLegal Study, University of London), a Research Associate of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, and an Academic visitor at its Faculty of Law. He is also a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute. Previously, Dr Ziegler was visiting researcher at Harvard Law School and a Tutor in Public International Law at the University of Oxford. He holds DPhil, MPhil, and BCL degrees from the University of Oxford.
Associate Professor in International Human Rights, Reading University